
beats by dre cheap tom so of no use wa

Fall a grass green wood on the positive meaning.They have the person of up to thousand sons, there are good several horseses, although also kind ground, take captive is a lord industry, once acrossed county to more commit crime for many times, accepted a company brigade up provide, badly now tremendous.
That headman is a make Liu Jian Wu retire from the army of back a service soldier man, should be Lee holds of subordinate, back service because an eye be shot to blind.He hears that Li Cao's rising in revolt, then starting to come together rebel chief and intending to leak the secret and incite at Xu Shan Hu whom here render assistance, fear to know that the inside story doesn't wish to obey orders is a few with Xu Shan Hu an on good terms strong person and kills people to exterminate whole family.
Di bird 4 people come and would be according to Zhu Wen Yu's meaning and recover the under charge of allowing the mountain tiger first, then again theory revenge.
Zhu Dan isn't optimistic about their 3 people revenges for Xu Shan Hu, until Di the bird make him don't take care of, just at settle down 3 people to go out after living the house that discarded in themselves busy.His house is the one river gulf ground, only more than ten families, the village was in fact hanged up half by the river to pull, a sign of gulf.The year before last year, the village was once flooded by water, aquatic led village of head, is all Gao Cao everywhere at present, road also only a breadth, calculate more desolate.
He has ever been to a long month, to Di understand with some power in the house of the bird,beats by dre cheap, repeatedly say of old person, say to gather, not is tied an idea report what enemy, but think into Di of bird, a gathered 6, 7 people back in the evening, is all relatives and of the same clan of oneself, without extra trouble still get to make a dog that the Wu dies.
He sees Di the bird looking at a dog, say:"The crow Ye doesn't take care of, this is what we at there village head put to death, at last show filial obedience at 1:00.You are what once mixed in capital city, not definitely rare, can also ability mat belly be not?!"
"You not is know that I take of have a food?What dog does "Di the bird know that they all seldom eat a stem of, blame and scold to say, " beat?"
Zhu Dan's younger brother Qi Hong the big basin , on standing a body, also be regarded as polite:"It once bit person in the An Chuang, is that you don't come, we also the Chou opportunity beat it to eat meat."
"They all say, would like to follow Ye."Zhu Dan says.
Immediately after, his Nian walks anxiously the wife of Chou dog, confused wipe, call Di the bird sit up, order:"You after severals give Ye Ke overdo, that was the person of Ye."
"Wait for a second."Zhu Wen Yu feels that several individuals are to think with Di the bird muddle through time till long month and smile top for a while, want to rationally advise Di the bird is 2, pulled a part to say.
Zhu Dan but have no this mind's eye, still point Zhu Wen Yu, give kin, together village wear the mouth smile and say:"He is also, our people of the same group."
Zhu Wen Yu walks to a side to turn head to see and have never thought what honour, just say:"Young master, do you want to take them to walk, is not?!"
Di once the bird smile and took a look Zhu Wen Yu's one eye.Zhu Wen Yu got encouragement, and then said:"A walk can not necessarily is this a few men.Otherwise, and someone goes and went to up to 100, the I is also difficult to keep."
Di the bird point nod, didn't say again as well what, return a body to return to sit to the table several first-class individuals to kowtow for him.
Zhu Wen Yu sighed tone and stood by the side of the door to see and saw flower's falling to open have already embraced fuel, hurriedly answer, see a bare buttocks kid of neighbor's house's lying is discarding a soil wall to stretch a head to see there, be taken stick Nian by Zhu Dan's wife, not from smile to smile, turn head to seek a round flat cake son, say:"Elder brother's wife, this a round flat cake son gives him."
Zhu Dan's daughter-in-law scolded severals, turned head to give them 2 to put a reason and said:"**Ya son, saw eat of think Ceng, leave him alone."
"A a round flat cake son!"Zhu Wen Yu turns head to smile.
"Give to eat a mile, a short while Wei full person, our young master isn't a food either to eat not over."She immediately see by the position of "our young master", crumple dirty cloth apron to put a hand.
Just finished saying, Ke in the house finished a head, a few men were come out and depended another the part talked.
Zhu Dan's facial expression isn't so good, come out to scold:"The Yes eat, does the your a daughter-in-law son Zha depend on not to walk?!Visit different houses to go, roll!"
Di the bird walk to the side of door and touched to touch him:"Shout your daughter-in-law back, a cake of eats some thing."
"Hey leaves her alone."Once Zhu Dan Tou shake, atmosphere in Ta-li raises hand to put, " Sao Niangs!"
Di the bird also no longer say what, let the lane fire of Zhu Wen Yu.Whisper in Zhu Dan mouth, still keep once shouting a wife, ruthlessly gave one eye, say:"See your that Sao kind?"Twisted a head, and then gave the that direction four men to say:"You, think all like have no?"Wait Zhu Wen Yu to born fire, Zhu Dan still is lifting a cow point knife to peel.
He sees big basin of younger brother Qi Hong to help, fiercely for a while, the Sang's Nu scolds 1:"Niang of, beg in the rich and honored insurance, have us the Ye at, are you afraid to beg?"
Hong the big basin be aroused for a while, said:"I which is afraid, we this how many persons go to a dry person, which will enough?!"
Flank of person conflicting views ground should.Zhu Dan's wife just on asking, be scolded a part by Zhu Dan.Zhu Wen Yu understood what is the row and hurriedly lent machine and then advised:"Young master, we take more time to consider."
No matter how it is say, fire still living good, the dog also shelled out, the everyone ate some dog meat, dry ration food, round to catch fire to sit.The sky is gradually black, the flower falls to open but hurtles an everyone to start to put exaggeration, don't want to push the somebody else's mountain Zhai.The oddness of Zhu Wen Yu arrives crest, wish:Everyone all afraid, you but ever since that time drive Di the bird pulled, always all with have no the person of matter is similar.
He sees Zhu Dan and own younger brother Qi start, oneself also wants to urinate, also walk to the part, untie pants, positive"shout" wets water and hears Zhu Dan in whisper arrange oneself's younger brother Qi's voice.Zhu Dan's voice presses very lowly:"Your boy understands fart!BE try your few mileses.Try bottom so of no use, want Ren stem what?!"
"Do I say.Can my Zha know."The Hong big basin says.
Zhu Wen Yu silently comes back and see Di bird, took the fire sit, on the face what facial expression don't also shine upon in a regiment light of fire under, with usually and greatly say for dissimilarity, not from rejoicing in the heart, inwardly giving oneself:"How didn't I thought of?!Use this way to try a person's loyal of home unfaithful to ruler heart for a while."
Next day, Zhu Wen Yu early rises early bed, call to come to Zhu Dan, lifted pair of knife, urged and walk.Zhu Dan knows two and Xu Shan Hu once became sworn of the person's den, got up to wash two faces, also touched a pair of firewood knife, went out to call his/her own younger brother Qi, take the person whom they make a pounce upon the first to call Liu San.
Have to piecemeal float a light rain under the outside, take a summer seldom several peg out cold.On the ground didn't°yet in time before rising mud, they came right away Liu Ji.
Liu San's nest a dark bawdry cave on Liu Ji Bian son inside.
Is already an afternoon at this time, the sky has hair hair light drizzle again, but have the Qi idea that several branch office passions break a soul.Di birds' twitter Zhu Dan and Zhu Wen Yus stand, oneself takes the flower shivering to fall to open to keep Chi to the brothel and shouts loudly:"Liu San, you is miscellaneous to sow in not at?"Several individuals in the kiln are touching a card, is dream to also have never thought is enemy house to touch a top a door, all think to is an acquaintance.One person should 1, come out to say:"Who seek me?"
Di the bird see he wear short silk fabric Gua, bound to take a copper to nail on the arm of protect wrist, 30 open an outside, take cruelty for several cents, but not Gao also not big, then can not confidently ask:"Liu San?"
Liu San sees their none of ages old, although some vigilances, don't put in the mind, anti- feel to greatly throw a face.He shows fierce be like, go forward several steps to have a liking for his horse and clothes, then put to start out force to teach their postures, ask:"Seek you three grandpa stem what?"
Just at this time, Zhu Wen Yu and Zhu Dan Yi persons raise a weapon and rush into hair donkey to urgently run, loudly the Nu shouts:"Revenge son for tiger Piao!"
Liu San listens to because of distance isn't very pure, turn the face sees, but when he turns head have been already seen Di the bird pull out a knife Zong horse and dash forward to come over.
Usually someone feels to ride the soldier the slightest doesn't take advantage of in the middle of picking with infantry list, but the fact completely isn't a matter this time, in spite of horsemanship height, but high-speed the horse dashing forward can stun opponent and let oneself sign at the invincible position.Indeed as expected, Liu San first is a surprised, immediately after turn round into in run.Di the bird simply hurtle to front of, split one knife on the his back.
A blood accompanies with one to bellow a Nu violent wind, the man stumbles run several, plant into a house just fall on the ground.
Several mans that touch dominoes quickly touched short knife, the wood gun expeled a door and shouted a person down the street.Two fierce bandits aren't occupied in leaving, while another two fierce bandits are also anxious to shake hair of donkey.Di Related articles:

